Data retention policy
We retain data in accordance with GDPR. All data which is described in "Data storage policy" will be stored until the user requests TurnShift to remove it. We also remove any data associated with inactive accounts that uninstalled the TurnShift slack application from their workspaces.
Data archiving and removal policy
You can request for your data to be removed by sending an email to
[email protected].
Data storage policy
Here's the data we store from your Slack workspace:
- user real name, first name, email, avatar url, and time zone
- workspace name, avatar url
Data center location(s)
United States
Data hosting details
Data is stored in an RDS (PostgreSQL) server in us-east-1 region of AWS. This is the only place where your data is stored.
Data hosting company
AWS, Vercel
App/service has sub-processors