Data retention policy
We only store data about you for as long as it’s reasonably required to fulfill the purposes that gave us the right to access it in the first place. We keep some data indefinitely, relating to when and where Emails were sent, which bounced, which resulted in a complaint, and similar information, because we use it to help us screen out people who violate SPAM laws, and for other reasons explained in this policy.
We only store data about you for as long as it’s reasonably required to fulfill the purposes that gave us the right to access it in the first place. We keep some data indefinitely, relating to when and where Emails were sent, which bounced, which resulted in a complaint, and similar information, because we use it to help us screen out people who violate SPAM laws, and for other reasons explained in this policy.
We’ll give you access to any Personal Information about you that we hold within 30 days of any request. To make such a request please email
[email protected] Unless it’s prohibited by law, we’ll remove any Personal Information about you from our servers at your request.
Data archiving and removal policy
We’ll give you access to any Personal Information about you that we hold within 30 days of any request. To make such a request please email
[email protected] Unless it’s prohibited by law, we’ll remove any Personal Information about you from our servers at your request.
Data storage policy
Any data stored electronically will be stored in secure servers.
To protect your information, our credit card processing vendor uses the latest 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology for secure transactions. Our vendor is certified as compliant with card association security initiatives, like the Visa Cardholder Information Security and Compliance (CISP), MasterCard® (SDP), and Discovery Information Security and Compliance (DISC).
Data center location(s)
United States
Data hosting details
Cloud hosted.
App/service has sub-processors